
Permanently Change Word 2010 Default Paragraph Spacing

  • Click the ‘Paragraph’ triangle to display Word’s Paragraph dialog box
  • In the ‘Paragraph’ dialog box, change the Line Spacing to Single
  • Click ‘Set as Default’
  • Click ‘All documents…normal.dotm’ in the box that pops open
  • Click ‘OK’ 

Close Word and reopen it.  Create a new blank document and see if the settings you just told Word to make permanent are now permanent. If they didn't stick then read on.
  • Click the ‘Style’ triangle to display Word’s Style dialog box (or press Ctrl Shift Alt S)
  • In the ‘Styles’ dialog box, right-click on ‘Normal’ (style)
  • Click ‘Modify 

  •  In Word’s ‘Modify Style’ dialog box 
  • Click ‘New Document based on this template’
  • Click the ‘Format’ button to drop down the choices
  • In each of the Font and Paragraph choices, change the settings as shown above to your preferences (When you click on each one, you’ll be taken to the same Font and Paragraph dialog boxes as shown above).
  • Click ‘OK’ in each of the Font and Paragraph boxes once your settings are complete (Note that ‘Set as Default’ in each of these boxes is greyed out, because that choice is made in the main Modify Style’ box. 

Close Word and reopen it.  Create a new blank document … fingers crossed… You should now have the font and paragraph spacing that you set.