
Free Encryption software for your USB Flash Drive

FreeOTFE is freeware file encryption software, it lets you create so called voumes/disks which operate exactly like a normal disk, with the exception that anything written to one of them is encrypted before being stored on your computer’s hard drive. No one except you can open and view those files. In order for someone to read the files on those encrypted volumes in the future the person will need to use FreeOTFE and know the password.

You can download  from: http://www.freeotfe.org/download.html

Creating a new encrypted volume is very simple.

Select New and then click on Next.

For beginners it’s recommended to go with disk image file stored on your filesystem option.

In the next steps you will be asked to select a size and a password for your volume file along with some other options that you can leave on default settings.

Finally, check everything and click on the Finish button to complete the wizard. At this point you will get your encrypted volume where you can add the files. The volume file has .vol extension and stored in the location indicated durng the volume setup wizard.

When you have created your first volume, FreeOTFE will automatically mount it as a disk on your PC, and you’ll be able to copy and remove files just like another hard drive. You should find it under ‘My Computer’.

Please note that you need to format it (via right-click menu) before you can open it and move the files there for the first time.

Once the volume is formatted you can start moving the files there. When you’re done, open the FreeOTFE and select the ‘Dismount’ option to hide the disk/volume. This will remove the volume from ‘My Computer’.

After you finished working with the files and dismounted the volume, you can copy that newly created volume file to any media, a CD, a USB stick, or a memory card and carry it with you wherever you go.

Whenever you want to access or edit files on the encrypted volume you will need FreeOTFE (or similar encryption program) and a password that you provided during the volume setup wizard. First open the FreeOTFE, then click on Mount, select the encrypted volume (.vol file) and enter the password. This will mount the file as a drive and add it to ‘My Computer’ window. (Note: Make sure to dismount the volume when you are done working with it)

You can also copy a portable version of FreeOTFE (from Tools> Copy FreeOTFE to USB drive) to access the files from a computer which doesn’t have FreeOTFE or another decryption program.

At the moment, the safest encryption mode is XTS, and I recommend you use it instead of the others if you have very sensitive data.